Swiss Scott Construction

Project Details

Client: Swiss Scott Construction Inc
Project Brief: Develop a new logo and brand identity for a small family-owned construction company.

Swiss Scott Construction Inc came to us as a new startup contractor looking to improve their brand image, and portray a more professional and polished identity. Their previous design work had been all been done in Microsoft Word with basic shapes and word art, so we had lots of redevelopment to do.

One of the key elements the owner wanted to maintain was their family’s Swiss and Scottish heritage, hence the “Swiss Scott” name. Previous designs had included both flags in the background, and used red and blue as key brand colours.

In early mockups, the similarities between the white cross in the flag of Switzerland, and the white cross in the flag of Scotland, became a defining visual element to the design. Through a number of variations and mockups, the shape of two Phillips head screws emerged, which closed the connection between the flags and the key business of Swiss Scott.


A short round of modifications later, and we arrived at the final lockup for the logo, and began into the rest of the brand identity package, including business cards, lawn signs, and a new website.

For an added touch of style, the dual-cross icons on the reverse of the business cards were printed with a metallic foil finish, which earned the client a great deal of praise and interest when meeting new and potential clients.